2012年2月19日 星期日

Week 5 – Basics of BPR

Source / Reference:
1)      http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/BPR
2)      http://www.hitachiconsulting.co.uk/staging/0132.cfm
3)      http://www.ehow.com/list_6775695_success-factors-business-process-reengineering.html
4)      http://www.prosci.com/factors.htm

When BPR is needed? How to perform a successful BPR?

Business Process Reengineering is the redesign of business processes to achieve great improvements in business performance. BPR involves the reduction of business cycle time, the improvement of customer services, the improvement of product qualities, the reduction of operating costs and the renovation of technology, etc. In order to reap the benefits of BPR, reconstruction of the organization may be required.


BPR is needed when a firm with the below characteristics.

1.      Recognize the competitive edges of main competitors is much stronger
2.      Recognize the technology of the firm is far behind the current market
3.      Core operational flow is based on outdated business assumption or technical establishment
4.      The objectives of the firm seems cannot be achieve
5.      Enhance the operational capability of new vision and strategy

BPR may help the company to release from the difficult position. BPR may also solve the potential problems that may threaten the core business. BPR help to increase the efficiency of business processes and improve the performance of a firm.

After recognizing is there any needs of performing BPR, the success factors of BPR will be introduced.

1.      Strong support from top managers. If managerial stuff do not provide money, resources, or leadership, the reengineering project properly cannot move forward and it will fail.

2.      Alignment of business goals and the strategy of reengineering project. If the strategic direction is not consistence, contradiction may occur and it can be counterproductive.

3.      Create a clear and well-documented business case for change. The business case should be simple and easily understandable. Furthermore, the business case can be modifying throughout the implement of the reengineering project.

4.      Appropriate change management. Leadership with concise and frequent communication is required to manage changes. If some members of BPR team disconnected with the changes and left out, unexpected delays may occur.

All the factors demonstrated above is essential and crucial to perform a successful BPR.

1 則留言:

  1. - Overall, the show good logical flow and coherency;
    - correctly reflect the key in basic BPR, a good start
    - ref. (even URL, should contain full citation (i.e. author, year title etc ...)
    - sometimes, example / graph is worth more than 100 words, Agree?
    Mark: Average
