2012年4月1日 星期日

Week 10 – Redesign Principles and Tactics (1)

Source / Reference:

Principles of restructuring the process

There are three types of redesign principles and tactics, which are restructuring the process, informating the process, and minding the process. Under each type, there are several principles. In this article, we will focus on the principles of restructuring the process.

Lose Wait, Orchestrate, Mass-Customize and Synchronize are the four principles of restructuring the process. There are various common tactics under each principle.

1.          Lose Wait
It aims to squeeze out waiting time in process in order to create value. Several common tactics are used to support this principle, namely, concurrency, closed-loop, not gating main process, continuous flow, and upstream relieves downstream.

2.          Orchestrate
It means shifting the execution the different parts of process to the most efficient and capable enterprises. Partnering, outsourcing, insourcing, and routing through an intermediary are the common tactics of this principle.

3.          Mass-Customize
Making the process more flexible for any time, any place, any way. There are four common tactics, including flexing time, flexing space, modularity, and dynamic customization.

4.          Synchronize
The physical and virtual parts of the process should be synchronized. Match offerings, common process platforms, and track movement are the common tactics.

Real life examples:
Principle 1:
Flagstar Bank(MI, USA) had redesigned their online services through lose wait.

Principle 2:
UPS had insourced the delivery process back to their firm in order to increase the efficiency.

Principle 3:
Dell allowed customers to customize the product they desired. This act utilized the principle 3.

Principle 4:
The Lego Group had provided integrated and reliable process platform to support the business strategy and the operation.

Comment on Law Wai Ching’s week 8 blog:

Crystal had introduced the five phases of BPR methodology and focus on describing the steps of how to scope an enterprise process. The diagram shown clearly illustrated the steps. I agreed with her that scoping a process is a very vital step of process redesign.